Carteret Chronicles


Mission Statement
Communicate to Carteret County citizens our conservative values based on constitutionally limited government, promoting fiscal responsibility and accountability, fostering strong business competition, supporting our military, while recognizing the importance of individual freedom and responsibility.

November 6, 2021


A supply chain in crisis, Bidenflation, and sky-high energy costs... In Biden's America, your favorite holidays are under attack.

This Halloween, Bidenflation is taking its toll on Americans' wallets amid rising candy and costume prices, and stores have been "haunted by shipping issues" and missing inventory, leading to bare shelves.

This Thanksgiving, Americans aren't thankful for skyrocketing food costs making it "the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday." Nor are we thankful for the highest gas prices since 2014 and heating costs surging by as much as 54%, making it more expensive for Americans to travel and host family.

This Christmas, don't expect your gifts to arrive on time even as you pay more than every for them... that's if the Biden Administration doesn't try to cancel Christmas all together.

Biden is giving Americans a lump of coal during the holidays. Well, that's if Biden doesn't get his way and ban coal too.


  • Joe Biden's policies are creating disaster at home and abroad - somehow, he was managed to botch every major challenge he has faced. The reality is getting clearer by the day: Biden is incapable of serving as Commander In Chief.
  • Biden's reckless decisions and policies are to blame for:
  • Amid these crises, what are Joe Biden's proposed solutions?
    • The largest tax increase in decades;
    • Trillions of dollars in new spending for the far-left's pet projects;
    • Forcing more burdensome regulations on small businesses.
  • The American people are losing faith in Joe Biden's leadership - they know he is a weak, failed leader.
    • Just 37% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, according to a Quinnipiac poll.
      • His approval rating is even worse among independents - a dismal 28%!
    • A recent Zogby poll found his approval rating was even lower, just 36.4%.
    • Rasmussen's latest poll is also bad news for Biden - it found just 42% approval.
    • 62% of Americans blame Biden's policies for spiking inflation, a Politico/Morning Consult poll found.
      • Just 38% of voters said the country is "heading in the right direction."
    • Just 33% of Democrats have a "great deal" of trust in Biden's handling of COVID-19, a sharp drop from June.
    • 70% of Americans say they're facing increased hardship buying food, 67% are facing hardship buying gas, and 53% are facing hardship affording housing costs.
    • Even Chuck Schumer's polling shows Joe Biden's battleground approval is "erod[ing] dramatically" - only 41% of respondents approve of Biden's performance.

The North Carolina Republican Party Hall of Fame Dinner will be on Saturday, December 4th. Guest speakers include Matt Schlapp and Mercedes Schlapp.

Matt Schlapp is the Chairman of the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC), the nation's original grassroots conservative organization.

Mercedes Schlapp is a prominent Latina national leader and political media commentator. She is currently a Senior Fellow at the American Conservative Union Foundation and regularly hosts the online show America UnCanceled on CPAC NOW.
Program Advertisements may also be purchased, and must be sent in no later than November 19th, 2021. Ads should be submitted to [email protected], and should be in PDF format in the dimensions listed below:
  • Quarter Page Ad (4 inches by 5.125 inches): $100
  • Half Page Ad (8 inches by 5.125 inches): $300
  • Whole Page Ad (8 inches by 10.5 inches) $500
  • Double Page Ad (8 inches by 10.5 inches on both pages): $700
  • Back Inside Cover (8 inches by 10.5 inches): $1000
Past Award Recipients

From House Majority Leader, Rep. John Bell

Starting October 1st, several new laws took effect, including reforms that support our deployed troops, protect patient religious rights, expand health care option, and increase awareness of child abuse:

✔ Waive DMV fees & extend deadlines for deployed troops (HB297).
✔ Protect patient religious rights during emergencies (HP 447).
✔ Expand small business health insurance options (SB 228)
✔ Require Sheriff candidates to disclose past felony convictions (HB 312).
✔ Increase transparency of medication costs (SB 257).
✔ Make it easier to stay an organ donor (SB 135).
✔ Enhance accountability in policing (HB 536, SB 300).
✔ Increase awareness of child abuse (SB 693).
✔ Prohibit organ transplant discrimination due to disability (HB 642).
✔ East "certificate of need" laws to expand access to healthcare (SB 462).

From the Desk of Chairman Dave Wickersham:

Hello everyone! These are the days my friends and sometimes, like the song..."we thought they would never end!!" But they will and we will press on, confident in our values and message, regardless of where the new District lines may take us. We are scheduled for a call with NCGOP next week to discuss the options available for the new Districts, until then I really don't have any definitive information to share. I have been asked by several people about the maps. My stock answer has been, I will tell you everything I know, which is NOTHING! My approach has been to wait until we see something final and then deal with it. We have had no input on the process until the public comment period, I sent in written comments and hope many of you did the same.
We will have our Christmas Lunch at the Ironwood Golf and Country Club, 200 Golf Club Wynd, Greenville, NC 27834 from 11:30am-1:30pm on Saturday, December 11th. Congressman Greg Murphy will be our speaker and we will be asking for your RSVP over the next month, the cost will be $25.00 per person for a nice lunch. Ceil has been traveling but will be sending out a flyer soon with more details. We will be in full Christmas mode by then and might see a brief glimpse of that jolly old elf known the world over as Santa Claus! "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!"

It seems as though every day we hear about another attack from the Socialists on our Freedom and Liberty as they work to transform America. The current move to mandate vaccinations, even to children, is one of the most chilling to me. The argument is not first about vaccination, it should be fist about why our government is forcing us to do something which should be an individual decision. This is all about government control and must be resisted in every way possible. How can everyone not see the danger in this type of Socialistic removal of individual freedom and liberty? Whether or not you get the vaccine must be an individual decision between you and your Doctor, the "government" should not abridge this basic freedom. Horribly, they (and we know who "they" are) are doing just that and requiring employers to enforce a mandate only throws gasoline on the fire. Requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment, whether in public service or in the private sector is an affront to all Americans that believe in basic human rights. The really scary thing is that they are getting away with it, supported by the algorithms of the formerly free media. A recent headline in USA Today screamed that our hospitals are being filled with children with covid, farm from the actual truth. The media no longer can be referred to as free and independent, they have become the "state" apparatchik to misinform and influence public opinion rather than investigate and report the facts.

However, there is some good news that should help encourage and uplift Patriots across the country. More and more people, just average Americans, are showing up at Republican meetings and events wanting to get involved because they can see what is happening. Concerned parents are attending school board and government meetings and demanding accountability from elected officials. Note they are not breaking windows, throwing fire bombs, or ransacking and looting, they are exercising their basic First Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States. Polls continue to indicate the loss of support for the President and his Socialist cronies and crosses Party Lines. WE THE PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO FIGHT BACK! So, keep your boots on, stay engaged and informed, and keep asking yourself, what can I do to help in the battle to save America... and then go and do it!

Thank you for everything you do, we will prevail with God's help and grace guiding us.




'Gateway to Down East', North River bridge has been dedicated in memory of late Commissioner Jonathan Robinson. The ceremony was held on November 1st at the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center on Harkers Island.

I mourn for American lives lost during Biden's bungled Afghanistan withdrawal and for the Americans he left behind.

I will not let the media bury this story with the next news cycle.

I can't protest in the streets every day.
Contact Bob Cavanaugh for more information. For a ribbon, contact Dianne Tetreault ($5 each). All funds collected will be donated to help organize an American Lives Matter in Raleigh next October.

For more information, or to donate, please contact Chairman Mary Boughton, or Vice Chairman Stephanie Broughton.


Crystal Coast Republican Women

Follow CCRW on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep up with their current events.
CCRW's next meeting will be on November 19th, 10am at the Carteret GOP HQ. 

Don't forget to bring a dish to share, afterwards we will have a potluck lunch.


Crystal Coast Republican Men's Club

CCRMC's next meeting is November 18th at Southern Salt in Morehead City. The evening begins with a dutch-treat social hour at 5:30pm, and the business begins at 7pm. All registered Republicans are invited to attend.
Follow CCRMC on Facebook!


Do you have an event to put on our calendar?

Fill out this form and we'll make sure to add it to the website, weekly emails, and social media. Don't forget to add the flyer!


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