Commissioner of Insurance


Mike Causey

Mike Causey is not just another candidate - he's lived the life and understands what is involved with the insurance industry. Mike Causey has 25 years of experience working in insurance. He is also a military veteran and understands the laws. Mike Causey is truly a "man of the people." He's not about fame or status - he's just a man who cares about North Carolina and wants to make a difference in his community.


Mike Causey believes that more competition in North Carolina’s insurance industry will provide lower rates for consumers and greater access to better products.


Mike Causey is making a difference and implementing needed reforms by cutting red tape, increasing transparency, and reversing years of consumer frustration over insurance claims.


Mike Causey is putting taxpayers first by making the commissioner’s office more accessible, improving customer service, and increasing access to “real people” who resolve problems.


North Carolina is the only remaining state with a Rate Bureau. Mike Causey is helping reform an antiquated bureaucracy that kills free enterprise and rewards bad drivers at the expense of good drivers.


As a candidate for commissioner of insurance, Mike Causey promised to put you and your concerns first, and he has done just that since taking office. Mike has fought for North Carolina policyholders and consumers by opposing rate hikes on homeowner’s insurance and car insurance. He has cracked down on insurance fraud – saving policyholders and arresting more than 1,000 people who were gaming the system, which costs all of us.

Most importantly, Commissioner Causey has opposed efforts to impose more government mandates and control over your healthcare insurance. Mike has supported efforts to pass Association Health Plans, which makes healthcare coverage more affordable and provides real competition in the marketplace.


Prior to Commissioner Causey taking office, consumers would call the commissioner of insurance’s office and feel like they did not have a voice or any power against the insurance companies.

Commissioner Causey’s mission has been to make sure policyholders and consumers in North Carolina receive citizen-friendly service. You need to know your Commissioner of Insurance is an advocate for you. It’s about cutting the bureaucracy and the red tape. It’s about standing up for the working men and women – making sure they have an ally who will go to the mat for them – who will take on the insurance industry and hold them accountable.


Upon being sworn-in to office, Commissioner Causey was astounded to learn the department had only 20 sworn law-enforcement to investigate thousands of insurance fraud cases. The investigators were so overwhelmed that they weren’t able to be effective.

As Commissioner, Mike has worked with the state legislature to double the number of fraud and abuse investigators in the Department of Insurance. Criminals are now being investigated and prosecuted for gaming the system. Mike knows criminals must be held accountable, so there is a fair playing field for the hard-working men and women of North Carolina.


North Carolina’s fire and rescue departments stand on the front line for public safety in our state. Prior to taking office, Commissioner Causey was blown away by the number of local fire departments that had not seen an official inspector, in some cases as long as 25 years. Hundreds of departments were being ignored.
Commissioner Causey went to the state legislature and requested additional fire department inspectors — then went to work.

Over the past three years, a backlog of more than 500 department inspections has been cleared – making sure they have up-to-date inspections and certifications. The safety ratings of fire departments directly impact the amount you pay for your homeowner’s insurance. The Department of Insurance’s focus on improving safety ratings of fire departments led to real savings in many communities across North Carolina.

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